2019 Line Up
I feel like I healed about 10 to 15 years of trauma and damage that I have been carrying inside and found acceptance and true sisterhood…
I truly feel transformed. I cannot wait to go again next year!
~Celia Nascimento

Contentment, growth, expansion, LOVE, sisters, Mother Earth, Full Moon, SOUL, LIFE, TREASURES, TALENT, BEAUTY, FIRE, Water, Warth, Wood, Passion, LIFE
~Shane Kulman
Our 2019 Theme:
Tiny Revolutions
“Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach.”
A revolution is the action by a celestial body of going round in an orbit or elliptical course.
A revolution is a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something.
A revolution is a change in paradigm.
It is obvious to anyone paying attention that life as we know it is changing fast. We, as wild and wise women, have the opportunity, moment to moment, breath by breath, action by action, to direct this change in the way of goodness, integrity & care for all.
At WILD WOMAN FEST ’19 we will stand shoulder to shoulder and do the important work of Soul-strengthening, deep listening & clarity building, that we may emerge from our time together as a more potent force of healing & true power in these times which require all hands on deck.
FEST 2019 Bodyworkers

Your Ticket Includes 5 Days & 4 Nights of
Ritual, Yoga, Circles, Experiential Workshops, Visualization & Meditation, Music & Art, Dance, Herbalism, Connecting to the Wild, Laughter, Discovery, Divination, Bonfires, Howling, Dreaming, Home cooked Vegetarian Meals… Oh, and Chocolate, lots of Chocolate…
There are approximately 45 workshops-happenings-offerings!

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